Keresés - "Aircraft engines"

3 db találat

1. F - L

FAA and JAA: FAAis the Federal Aviation Administration. As the Civil Aviation Authority of the USA, it is responsible for establishing aviation regulations in the US. These are known as FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations). In addition to its regulatory role, the FAA is also responsible for Airspace and Air Traffic Management, maintenance of Air Navigation Facilities infrastructure and has an active role in Research and Development of aviation related systems and technologies. JAAwere the Joint Aviation Authorities, a co-operation of most European (E...

2. A - B

Introduction to the Aviation A-Z Guide Today many people travel by plane. It doesn’t matter whether you are technical minded or not, but when you take your seat on board the aircraft you should remember that your journey is due to enormous technical achievements. Furthermore, your airplane can take you to almost every point on the planet. My A-Z aviation guide will help you understand the technology of flight and I will be adding to it on a regular basis. I welcome any comments...

3. A - B

KÉSZÜL A "KISOKOS" Manapság sokan utazunkrepülőgépen, és akiben dobog egy kis műszaki vér, de az sem baj ha nem, a lényeg, hogy amikor végre elfoglalja helyét az ember a repülőgépen, gondoljon arra, hogy valójában mekkora technikai vívmánybanfoglal helyet, és amelyrepíteni fogja a világ bármely pontjára,a levegőben. Nos, ekkor jusson esz&ea...

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